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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

For the past few weeks, I've been feeling a little off. There's time that I almost wanna give up. I wanted to cry but tears won't fall. I thought that if I can cry it out, things would be better after but they just keep on coming and tears won't still fall. Does that makes me strong after all? or maybe my lacrimal gland won't really just produce tears(lol).
But you know what makes me sad and triggers my lacrimal gland to produce some tears to roll down my cheeks? I would say that would be my daughter. Ah, motherhood has really become me. It's so hard for a mother to see her kid or just by mere fact of thinking that she might not be able to reach her potential and achieved whatever it is she's destined to be specially if you know that she has what it gets to be that SOMEBODY someday.
This I come to realized that I have no right to be feeling this way. Giving up is not an option. Fighting and moving forward are the only choice I will only consider if I want the best for my Cheska. If  the only person that cares and loves her so much will give up, what will happen to her?
From  now on I will always bear in my mind, that GIVING UP to my daily life's struggles means GIVING UP ON HER and of course that won't do. So I must work on improving myself and focus only to those that matters to me most. Trials and tribulations are always there and therefore I must always be ready to face them.

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